Rosella L. Fernandez, Ch.E., M.P.M.

Patent & Trademark Attorney, Philippines

Visiting address

No. 59 Giardini St. (L13 B152) Casa Milan - Neopolitan V Subd., Greater Lagro (prev. North Fairview), 1121 Quezon City, Metro Manila, Philippines
Rosella L. Fernandez, Ch.E., M.P.M.

Rosella L. Fernandez is a practicing Patent/Trademark Agent and IP Consultant in the Philippines. She was one of the topnotch passers of the Philippines’ 1st Patent Agent Qualifying Examination in 2006 (2006 PAQE). Since then, the PAQE is given yearly by the Intellectual Property Office or IPO Philippines (IPOPHL) in partnership with the European Patent Office (EPO), through its ECASEAN Intellectual Property Rights Cooperation Programme (ECAP II).
She is a Chemical Engineer by profession with her BSChE degree obtained from the Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT), and a holder of a Masters Degree in Public Management (MPM) from the Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP). She has been working in the field of intellectual property for over 34 years now. She was a Patent Examiner (Search and Substantive) of the then Philippine Patent Office (now Intellectual Property Office of the Philippines or IPO Philippines) for about 14 years handling chemical-related subject matters such as pharmaceutical, compounds and processes, food technology, biochemistry, biotechnology, among others. She became the first Director III (CESO IV) of the Bureau of Patents in the IPO Philippines in 1999. She retired from government service in 2003, and continued her career in IP as a Patent / Trademark Agent, and Consultant to law firms, practitioners and companies, especially in the area of patents, for 16 years now. When the Philippines joined the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) in 2001, she was designated as PCT Point Person who headed the PCT team that drafted and implemented the Philippine Rules on Patent Cooperation Treaty (PRoPCT).
She is a member of the Intellectual Property Association of the Philippines (IPAP) and Asian Patent Attorney Association (APAA). She is likewise a member of the Philippine Association of Certified Patent Agents (PACPA) and Intellectual Property Alumni Association Inc. (IPAA), JPO Training Support Program.
She first established in 2004 the proprietorship company, First Intellectual Property Consultancy and Technical Services, officially registered with the IPO Philippines (IPOPHL), which later became this partnership company/firm, First IP Consultancy & Technical Services Co. (First IPCT or FIRST IP®), in 2009, where she is now a Founding/Managing Partner. First IPCT or First IP was established with the view of providing cost effective quality services to IP applicants and practitioners. FIRST IP® has now been known and recognized locally and internationally as a prime IP firm/company in the Philippines for its high-quality and cost-effective IP services.
She has served as resource person in promoting and increasing awareness on intellectual property, and attended various seminars, training, international meetings as participant and/or lecturer in the Philippines and other countries such as Japan, U.S., Canada, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, Russia, Spain, Australia, Korea, India, and ASEAN.
She has authored or co-authored publications/write-ups on intellectual property topics and advocacies such as «The Philippines Plans Towards Building a World-Class IP System».